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P.O. Box 31-54, 73250 Bucharest
Tel.: 40-1-210 7553 / 185, Fax: 40 - 1 211 3120

The Romanian Society of Geophysics, established in 1990, is an
independent, nongovernemtal, scientific and professional organization. The
objectives of the Society are: stimulating research and production geophysical
activities, promoting cooperation between individuals and institutions concerned
with these fields and conferring the recognition of the professional statute its
members. Geophysicists and other persons actively engaged in the field related to
geophysics can apply for active membership by submitting a completed application form.
    Our society brings together the most active of the 1292 graduates of the
Romanian school of geophysics in about 50 years since its foundation, same
Romanian colleagues of different specialties that are working in the field of
geophysics as well as an increasing number of foreign geophysicists.
   The Romanian Society of Geophysics provides for its active member the
following geophysical publications: the Romanian Journal of Geophysics (English
and Romanian), published by the Geological Institute of Romania, Revue
Roumaine de Geophysique (English and French) and Studies and Researches in
Geophysics (Romanian), published by the Romanian Academy as well as the
Romanian Society of Geophysics Bulletin (Romanian and English).
The updated information about our society is.

Membership size: 190
Meeting: annually